The Gorilla Guide to... Modern Enterprise Infrastructure
This brand new Gorilla Guide covers the fundamentals of a modern data infrastructure including the three major types of storage an enterprise will employ today: block, file, and object.
Further, this Guide discusses how using hyperconvergence as the foundation for enterprise data unlocks enormous agility and heretofore unknown levels of operational ease.
With that data managed, this Guide goes on to show how you can leverage advanced networking strategies like microsegmentation to secure the data and how Desktop-as-a-Service functionality can seamlessly deliver that data to end users for consumption.
Get this Gorilla Guide now, and get a handle on modern enterprise infrastructure!
Inside This Guide:
- Why Hyperconvergence is a Great Foundation for Block, Object, and File Storage
- How to Improve End-User Experience with a Desktop-as-a-Service platform
- Hyperconvergence Security Essentials with Microsegmentation
Developed by: ActualTech Media