New Release: The Gorilla Guide to…® File and Object Storage Management, Express Edition!
Data management is one of those thankless tasks that everybody wants to relegate to someone else. After all, your business is not about data management, but about providing a product or service. Data management requirements can be divided into two types: functional and performance/cost tradeoffs. Typical functional requirements include:
- Ability to find old files and folders
- Ability to search for data across large, diverse groups of repositories
- Access to valuable metadata such as file ages, or tags indicating their content
Performance/cost tradeoffs include:
- When to use expensive local storage for fast retrieval versus archival storage for data that is no longer in use
- The waste of having unused storage space, versus the complexity of consolidating different repositories onto unused physical storage
Meeting the functional requirements while optimizing the performance/cost tradeoffs is a challenge. File and Object Storage Management discusses relevant issues, such as the many factors that determine how “hot” or urgent data is. These factors include frequency of access and the deadlines faced by the department that needs the data.
File and Object Storage Management also introduces DataCore vFilO, which automates many of the complex actions required to optimize data storage. vFilO creates a single view of all the organization’s data, whether on a worker’s own system, the organization’s servers, or the cloud. It places them all in a single hierarchy or namespace, while still letting each person use the familiar name assigned to a file on a local system (such as \Users\Lakshmi\Documents\clients.ods). See Figure 1 for examples of different storage types and locations, and how they are unified under DataCore vFilO.
The unified namespace simplifies searching and cataloguing, while allowing vFilO to automatically reapportion storage and automate other pesky data management tasks. The book also describes the value of such an integrated system for complying with regulations that may require the retrieval of data that prove compliance.
Inside the Guide
Gorilla Guides make learning and discovery approachable and easy, and they take the guesswork out of navigating complicated IT technologies. Written by an industry expert, and brought to you by DataCore Software, this resource is packed full of trusted information about tasks in modern data management and how they can be automated.
Download the book and learn all about:
- Different Levels of Storage and their Performance/Cost Tradeoffs
- Uses for Object Storage
- Factors That Make Some Types of Data Access More Urgent Than Others
- How DataCore vFilO Can Make Compliance with Regulatory Data Requirements Easier
Table of Contents
Introduction: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers
Chapter 1: Automate Your Data Placement Across Multiple File Servers, NAS, and Object/Cloud
- Storage for Simplicity and Savings
- The File Distribution Problem
- Solving the File Distribution Problem
- Introducing DataCore vFilO
- Show Me the Money
- Take the Pain Out of File Storage
Chapter 2: Offload Your Inactive Data to the Cloud
- Taking Advantage of Cloud and Object Storage
- The Data Placement Problem
- Balancing Storage Needs
- Intent-Based Data Placement
- Make the Most of Your Storage
Chapter 3: How vFilO Changes the Game
- How Storage Gets Used
- Change and Other Nightmares That Keep IT Teams Awake
- Preparing for the Unknown by Solving Today’s Problems
- The Solution Is Software-Defined Storage
- Don’t Wait Any Longer To Do More with Your Data
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About the Author
Trevor Pott is a hands-on technologist and cofounder of eGeek Consulting Ltd. He is the rare individual who can understand and operate almost any technology, but is also able to communicate the how, what, and why of a product to just about anyone. He uses this unique blend of experiences and talents to help technology vendors fine-tune their message to both business and technical buyers.
About DataCore Software
DataCore Software delivers the industry’s most flexible, intelligent, and powerful software-defined storage solutions for block, file, and object storage, helping more than 10,000 customers worldwide modernize how they store, protect, and access data. With a comprehensive product suite, intellectual property portfolio, and unrivaled experience in storage virtualization and advanced data services, DataCore is The Authority on Software-Defined Storage.
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