The Gorilla Guide® To… Kubernetes Blueprints
This Gorilla Guide® To… Kubernetes Blueprints provides an overview of using Infrastructure as Code to better manage and more consistently deploy infrastructure and applications in Kubernetes. Blueprints streamline compliance and reduce operational workload by implementing policies, such as regular backups. Kasten K10 by Veeam® includes Kanister, an open source platform for creating, deploying, and managing blueprints. In addition, Kasten by Veeam provides a hands-on lab for you to gain experience working with blueprints and to see first-hand the benefits of using blueprints to improve data protection using policy-based backups.
Highlights include:
- Learn what blueprints are in Kubernetes
- Explore sample blueprint implementations
- How to extend Kasten K10 functionality with blueprints

Developed by: ActualTech Media